To critique your peers is to help them. Here are resources to help students learn how to critique:
- To critique is to:
- Analyze the techniques used in a work. How was the work created? What steps probably took place in its creation? What are the formal relationships at work? How are time, space, composition, mass, layering, color, etc., used?
- Interpret the work. What do you first notice and why? What is presumably the artist's intent? What is the work attempting to express? How does the work overall make you feel? What does it make you think of? What other media artifacts or practices does it borrow from and why?
- Judge the work. Assume and decide what the artist's intent and vision was (this is the most difficult step in a critique). Determine if they succeeded in expressing it as clearly and forcefully as possible. Creatively brainstorm what steps they could have taken differently to more strongly realize their vision in the final work.
- Critique Practice
- Levels of Critique
- Basic
- Basic - Advanced
- CG Society
- Every student should join this community where their own work in progress may be critiqued by peers whether it is 2D animation, Maya modeling, etc.
- High Art
- Entertainment
- More Critique Practice
- The importance of artistic influences and inspiration: