Headshot CG Environment Brian Schrank, PhD
Assistant Professor, DePaul University
bschrank@gmail.com / 404-281-4282
CV and Bio
AR Games
Animation / Modeling
Comics / Art


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Gentle Carmel: Into the Black Dumb

Gentle Carmel is a graphic novel told from the perspective of an autistic artist who goes adventuring in Mexico. The world is warped by the hero’s subjectivity into a variety of forms. The style pulls widely from popular culture and ranges from Japanese manga, to childlike marker drawings, to vector art.

I was honored to show Gentle Carmel at the Chicago Alternative Comics Expo.

Here's an interview from when I showed Gentle Carmel at the Chicago Comics and Entertainment Expo in 2013.


Total Eclipse Boiling Comics

Boiling Comics

Looping experimental comics that flicker and fluctuate.

click any thumbnail to see that whole comic - please give it a second to load!

Grass Boiling ComicsVet Boiling Comicsuntitled Boiling ComicsSquirrel Boiling ComicsCards Boiling Comics
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Hungry Signs

I'm collecting homeless signs for an exhibition.


Zoocentrix Exhibition
Mamma Nipples icon
Love Bytes Icons

Zoocentrix: Purrplex

In this art-business collaboration with Geoff Thomas we research and develop experimental media to improve and redefine the lives of pets and their owners. Some products I developed:

Mamma Bellybed: You don't want your little one to grow up do you? Well neither do they! Order Mamma Bellybed so baby can suckle, milk tread, and sleep all in one convenient location. This next-gen pet bed is designed according to feline ergonomics and is equipped with a built-in bottle that dispenses preemie, kitten, and adult formula via quality refill packs.
Love Bytes: Ever been at work and missed your pet? We all have. Order Love Bytes to call your pet at home, compliment them and give them treats! Your voice wave opens a mechanical mouth on the device which lavishes goodies on your little one. Just "dial, speak, and baby eats!"™

branding imagery


The Room, directed by Anucha Aribarg

A black, white, and silent short horror film shot in 8mm in which I play the lone actor. It won final selection at the Great Lakes Film Festival 2004.

screenshot from Cat Scratch Fever


Cat Scratch Fever, co-directed by Anucha Aribarg and myself

Co-starring with the fabulous Yuki Izena, I play the disheveled, feverish protagonist in this short stop-motion film. The character riffs on the physical comedy of Keaton and Chaplin with an added bit of sleaze.

screenshot from The Room

Stardust Commotion

Collaborating with Geoff Thomas and Steve Hodges, we
proposed a Rhizome project that encourages body awareness and social interaction through open-ended performances. Networked costume modules function as musical instruments. Performers gesture and move to generate and vary musical tones. Through improvised play, sensing costumes, and network technologies, we invite freeform collaboration. Looking for funding... :)


