Overview of Milestones
MILESTONE 1: Reality Check Report (week 1) (due 4/4)
- Teams write a reality check report: how they should their game design and production plans be modified?
MILESTONE 2: Present Plans for Beta Build (week 2) (due 4/11)
- Teams briefly present current state of game
- Teams present plan for final Beta Build and solicit feedback/criticism from class
- Define vision for outputs by various team members: What exactly will get done in terms of level design, programming, art, sound, and UI?
MILESTONE 3: Level Development Sequence (weeks 2-4) (due 4/25)
(Minimum 3 rounds; 1 round with outside experts)
- Level prototype sequence (digital)
- Prototype playtesting feedback reports (minimum 3)
- Another technology test/tech demo (if appropriate)
- Another reality check—what needs to get cut from game?
MILESTONE 4: Final Sprint Plan (by week 7) (due 5/2)
- Teams present current state of game and solicit feedback/criticism from class
- List and prioritize all tasks, features, and content of the game that still need to get done
MILESTONE 5: Polished Art, UI and Audio Slice Demos (weeks 5-7) (5/16)
- Polished UI (such as score, health bar, etc.)
- Polished start, instruction, level end, and replay, screens
- Polished vertical slice of final art in game level
- Final game audio demo
MILESTONE 6: Beta Build (by week 10) (due 5/30)
- Screencapture/video documenting one minute of awesome gameplay
MILESTONE 7: Public Showcase Event (week 11) (due 6/9)
- Public Showcase(family, friends, all students invited)
- set up from 3-6pm
- actual showcase 6:30-8:30pm
MILESTONE 8: Private Industry Showcase Event (week 12) (due 6/16)
- Private Showcase (only industry professionals, capstone students, and DePaul faculty invited)
- set up from 3-6pm
- actual showcase 6:30-8:30pm