intro - milestones - schedule - readings - resources

Game Design and Production Capstone


Class Documents

Sample Studio Contract

WOW Jobclass Activity Sheet and Template (and doc version)

Game Design Pitch Doc

Game Design Doc Guide

Playtesting Report Guide and Template


Production Plan


Minimal Games

IndieCade 2016, 2015, 2014

IGF 2016, 2015, 2014


The "Commode Story" from Reservoir Dogs

Team Work

Reggie Watts TED Talk / Jane McGonigal TED Talk


Twitter hashtag: #cdmgamcap

Trello: All teams must use Asana, Trello or something comparable as their project management platform.

Perforce: All teams must use Perforce for version control.

How to use Perforce with Unity effectively (PPT) Thanks Chris Wade for writing this!

PBWorks: All teams are invited to use PBWorks to create and organize documents.

Google Sites: All teams are invited to use Google Sites to create their project website.

Unity3D: All teams are invited to use Unity3D for their game engine. The links on this page provide some great resources:

Goals for course (set by students)

  1. to be decided as a class

Rules of course (set by students)

  1. to be decided as a class











